Linux History


Linux is developed by c programming language. Dennis Ritch develops C and Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thopson develop Linux. There are many OS (Operating System) are flavor of Linux. Another OS, called Linux, developed by Linus Torvald.

Reason of popularity

· Linux can run on a wide range of computers right from micros to powerful Super computers.

· The source code is written in a high level language and is free of cost.

· All utility programs in Linux have been designed to accept input from other programs.

· It offers one of the richest libraries of reusable components and programs.

· It is written in C, a versatile, modular language using which a lot of programming can be done.


Linux is developed by c programming language. Dennis Ritch develops C and Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thopson develop Linux. There are many OS (Operating System) are flavor of Linux. Another OS, called Linux, developed by Linus Torvald.

Reason of popularity

· Linux can run on a wide range of computers right from micros to powerful Super computers.

· The source code is written in a high level language and is free of cost.

· All utility programs in Linux have been designed to accept input from other programs.

· It offers one of the richest libraries of reusable components and programs.

· It is written in C, a versatile, modular language using which a lot of programming can be done.